
My name is Laura Richie, and I’m a Registered Nurse and Certified Cardiac Rehab Professional in the central United States.  My official title at work is “cardiac rehab nurse,” which means I get to see patients who come to the hospital with various heart problems and teach them how to make changes so they don’t have to come back in and see us!  I love my job–I love empowering people to take control of their health and live their lives to the fullest!

That’s my heart behind this blog and website–I want to share the life-changing knowledge I’ve gained over the years so that others can maintain or regain their health, too.

I’ll be blogging several times a month, and I’m also working on a book about healthy living and weight loss, which should be released soon!

Feel free to ask any questions you have.  If I don’t know the answer, I’ll do my best to research and find out, or I’ll recommend other sources of reliable information.  I love to learn and love to teach, and one of my passions is helping people reach their goals for a healthy life!

Hope to hear from you!